

'No-strings attached' Coaching Program

Do you find yourself being played like a puppet, or tied up in so many thoughts that you never move forward? Does the past still pull you back or maybe you feel that you’re not living your full potential?

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General Coaching

Everyone knows they SHOULD lead healthier lifestyles, don’t they? Everyone knows they SHOULD eat healthily, don’t they? Everyone knows that smoking is bad for them and they SHOULD give up, don’t they?

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Goal Mapping Coaching

Maybe you just need to have clarity on what you want or maybe you need to find a way to make your goals into reality? Or perhaps you have spent so long sitting in your comfort zone and don’t feel that you have the confidence or knowledge to step outside?

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Health Coaching - Quitting Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for them and they SHOULD give up don’t they? You wouldn’t let anyone or anything else control you…. so why let cigarettes have a hold over your life? 

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