No-Strings Attached
What is holding you back in life?
Do you find yourself being played like a puppet, or tied up in so many thoughts that you never move forward?
Does the past still pull you back or maybe you feel that you’re not living your full potential?
The No Strings Attached program draws on the best of Andy’s NLP training programmes as well as his work as a Transformative Coach, assess what is still attached that you’d like to release – where or who did it come from in the first place? how was is previously useful? and what can you do now to let it go?
S tress
T ies
R eality
I dentity
N ow
G oals
The sessions are designed to be fun, interactive and give you a fantastic insight into how you can move forward with your life, projects, relationships, untangling some of the thoughts and moving forward with a new sense of purpose.
“The only things holding you back are the invisible strings you attach yourself”