In House

I am immensely proud of the fact that I am able to work within a wide variety of organisations to provide highly practical workshops, facilitated events and programmes that make a significant difference to the performance of their employees or teams and facilitates growth and collaboration. 


Having extensive experience in working within healthcare, public sector, 3rd sector and commercial organisations, I ensure that every one of our courses are designed to make the impact you need and provide your staff with the resources and skills to give you the competitive edge and meet the challenges within your industry. 


I have a number of standard courses and facilitated workshops that you can choose from and also pride myself on my ability to work with organisations to provide bespoke programmes that are unique and created specifically for each individual company’s need. 

  • Effective Team Working 

  • Facilitating Collaboration 

  • Group Coaching 

  • Introduction to Effective Management 

  • Leadership Training 

  • Managing Stress and Building Resilience 

  • Motivational interviewing in business 

  • Professional Boundaries training

  • Protecting yourself from draining or toxic relationships 

For further information on any of the above courses, please contact me.